Luca Sutto (founder)

"The vision of the Modern Academy goes beyond nurturing the great talents of tomorrow. It aims to foster an open-minded approach to the entire world of music — no genre excluded — and to promote a sense of community and sharing in a world where all artists increasingly feel isolated."


We are dedicated to nurturing emerging talents in piano, improvisation, and composition across modern genres such as jazz, pop, rock, funk, and contemporary classics.


Our comprehensive curriculum includes piano performance, rhythmic precision, advanced music theory, composition and songwriting, creative practice, and ear training. From day one, students evolve beyond learning to become potential artists on the stage.


We recognize the transformative power of live performances and emphasize stage presence and public expression. Each student develops a deep connection to their craft, as the stage becomes a canvas for self-expression and artistic growth.

Enjoy the

Modern Academy Summer 2024 Playlist

(recommended by our students!)


Let’s meet up!

Our headquarters are in Hamburg, Germany, with two different locations in:

  • Eilbek (Hamburg central area, 5’ away from the central station)

  • Thesdorf (Pinneberg)

and we also offer a wide range of remote learning options in multiple languages (English, German, Italian, Spanish, French).


Elevate your musical journey with us!

Ask us more information - we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.